Please register for the event here.
The Swedish think tank Fores and the Finnish think tank Agenda invite you to a lunch seminar on negative emissions. As the urgency to mitigate climate change intensifies, it is clear that while significant and rapid emission reductions are crucial, achieving the 1.5°C target will also require removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Research shows that negative-emission technologies, not least BECCS and DACCS, could deliver substantial carbon dioxide removal (CDR). However, scaling these solutions to the levels required in many 1.5°C scenarios demands major investment in both markets and infrastructure.
Despite their potential, current incentives and funding mechanisms remain insufficient. During this seminar, researchers Lars Zetterberg and Kenneth Möllersten will present their new policy paper, which explores the necessary incentives and funding mechanisms to accelerate the deployment of CDR technologies, with a specific focus on BECCS and DACCS. The paper proposes five actionable models for the EU and its Member States, evaluating the benefits and challenges of each approach. This will set the stage for a dynamic panel discussion featuring policy makers and experts in the field.
Please register for the event here.
Catch Carbon – Towards Negative Emissions
Venue: Agenda, Georgsgatan 27, Helsinki
1 November 2024, 12:00 – 13:00 (EET or EEST). Lunch from 11:30.